@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012623, author = {宮川, 洋一 and 森山, 潤}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {本研究では,中学校学習指導要領の解説「総則編」に示されている情報モラルの考え方に基づき,学習者の道徳的規範意識と情報モラルに対する意識との関係を検討した.中学・大学生を対象として,情報モラルに対する意識を把握する尺度を作成するとともに,道徳的規範尺度(玉田ほか2004)を用いて道徳的規範意識を把握した.そして,両尺度各因子間の関連性について仮説的因果モデルを構成し,共分散構造分析を用いてその妥当性を検証した.その結果,道徳的規範意識を構成する因子(「思慮」「節度」「思いやり・礼儀」「正義・規範」)の内,「節度」と「正義・規範」が,情報モラルに対する意識へ,相対的に強く影響していることが示唆された.この結果を踏まえ,道徳の時間で扱う価値項目と情報モラルの指導との具体的な関連づけを示した., In this paper, the relationship between moral consciousness of learners and consciousness of information ethics was investigated based on the concept of information ethics that was shown in the Course of Study. At first, a scale for evaluating consciousness of information ethics was constructed by the 1st survey that was conducted on junior high school and university students. Next, second survey using both this scale and the Scale of Moral Consciousness (TAMADA et al. 2004) was carried out on junior high school and university students, and a hypothetical causal model was constructed based on the relationship between factors in these two scales. The validity of the constructed model was verified using an analysis of covariance structures. Among factors composing moral consciousness, such as "consideration," "moderation," "sympathy and courtesy" and "justice and norm," it was suggested that the factors of "moderation" and "justice and norm" relatively strongly influenced consciousness of information ethics. On the basis of this result, we showed concrete connection of value items in moral education with the consciousness of information ethics.}, pages = {73--82}, title = {道徳的規範意識と情報モラルに対する意識との関係 ―中学校学習指導要領の解説「総則編」に示された情報モラルの考え方に基づいて―}, volume = {35}, year = {2011} }