@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015151, author = {三井, 隆弘 and 斎藤, ひとみ and 福士, 恵 and 小松, 国子 and 佐々木, 信子 and 阿久津, 洋巳}, issue = {11}, journal = {日本家政学会誌, Journal of home economics of Japan}, month = {Dec}, note = {食に関する知識は, 弱いながらも, 野菜の摂取を増加させるなど, 食生活に良好な影響を与えると認識されているが, 本邦においては, 関連する研究は非常に少ない. 本研究の目的は, 日本の高校生向けの食の知識に関する質問紙を作成し, 食の知識のスコア (以下, スコア) と食物摂取頻度, body mass index (BMI), テレビや運動など生活習慣との関連を調べることである.  対象者は, 秋田県在住の高校生202名 (男99名, 女103名) であり, 最初の54人には質問紙の再現性と信頼性を確認するために, 2週間の間隔をおき, 再テストを行った. 食に関する知識は四択式の20題で, 1問1点とした.  合計得点の1回目と2回目の相関係数は0.750, クロンバックのα係数は, 1回目が0.529, 2回目が0.419であった. 男女のスコアの平均値はそれぞれ11.3±2.7点 (標準偏差) と11.8±2.9点で, 有意差はみられなかった. スコア別に4つのグループに分け, 食物摂取頻度, BMI, 生活習慣を比較したところ牛乳・ヨーグルトにグループ間の有意差はみられた (χ2=21.40, p<0.01) ものの, 野菜ほかの食物, BMIとその他の生活習慣には, スコアとの関連はみられなかった.  本邦におけるこれまでの報告でも, 食の知識や教育水準と食生活との関連がはっきりしないものがあり, 本邦においては, 関連を見出すのは難しいのかもしれない., It is generally recognized that nutrition knowledge (NK) weakly influences healthy dietary habits, such as fruit and vegetable ingestion, altl1ough research in this area is scant in Japan. The purpose of this study is to develop an NK questionnaire for high school students in Japan and to investigate the relationship between NK and dietary habits, body mass index (BMD, and daily habits such as TV and exercise. The participants were 202 (99 male and 103 female) high school students in Akita Prefecture. The first 54 participants were retested to examine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire at a two-week interval. NK was assessed via 20 questions with four choices each, witl1 one point given for correct responses ai1d zero points for incorrect responses. TI1e correlation coefficient between the first皿d second NK score was 0. 750, and Cronbach's alpha was 0.529 a11d 0.419, respectively. The average NK scores were 11. 3士2. 7 points for males and 11. 8士2. 9 points for females, which was not statistically significant. Food frequency, BMI, and lifestyle habits were compared an1ong four groups classified according to the NK score. There was a significant difference in the frequency of consuming milk/milk products (r = 21. 40, p < 0. 01), but statistical differences were not observed for other foods, including fruits/vegetables, BMI, and lifestyle habits. Our results and those of previous studies conducted in Japan suggest that the relationship between NK and healthy dietary habits may be difficult to demonstrate in the Japanese population.}, pages = {711--718}, title = {秋田県在住の高校生を対象とした食に関する知識と食生活と生活習慣との関連}, volume = {71}, year = {2020} }