@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015712, author = {金澤, 朋美 and 木村, 淳 and 藤原, 崇 and 福中, 守人 and 一條, 俊浩 and 佐藤, 繁}, issue = {9}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {Sep}, note = {ホルスタイン種経産牛の分娩後の血中カルシウム(Ca)濃度に及ぼすゼオライトA給与の影響を明らかにする目的で,分娩前3週間ゼオライトA(400g/日)を給与した給与群(27頭)とカチオン・アニオン差(DCAD)調整飼料(−3.2mEq/100g)を給与した対照群(22頭)の血液性状を比較した.血清Ca濃度の推移に差がなく,活性型ビタミンD濃度は給与群において分娩当日に有意な高値を示した.両群とも分娩日に血清Ca濃度が低値を示した牛は,翌日正常値に回復した.給与群は血清遊離脂肪酸濃度が高く,総コレステロールとアルブミン濃度は低く推移した.分娩前3週間のゼオライトA給与は,DCAD調整飼料の給与と同程度に分娩後の血中Ca濃度の低下を軽減する効果があり,分娩性低Ca血症の予防に応用可能と考えられた., To investigate the effects of prepartum zeolite A administration on the postpartum calcium (Ca) concentration, blood parameters were measured in Holstein cows given zeolite A (400 g/day; n = 27) and fed dietary cation-anion difference adjusted (DCAD) diets (−3.2 mEq/100g; controls, n = 22) from 3 weeks before parturition until calving. There was no difference in the serum Ca concentration on the day of parturition in the treated group (7.3±0.3 mg/dl, mean±SE) compared to the controls (7.1±0.2 mg/dl ). The serum 1,25(OH)2D concentration on the day of parturition was significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treated group than in the controls (232.5±35.6 vs. 134.6±23.0 pg/ml ). The serum free fatty acids, total cholesterol, and albumin concentrations were significantly (P<0.05) lower in the treated group than in the controls during the experimental period. Further, the cows with low serum Ca concentrations (<7.4 mg/dl ) on the day of parturition recovered to normal levels by the next day in both groups. These results suggest that zeolite A administration for 3 weeks before parturition is as effective at reducing the decrease in blood Ca concentration just after parturition as feeding DCAD-adjusted diets and might be used to prevent periparturient hypocalcemia.}, pages = {539--546}, title = {分娩後乳牛の血中カルシウム濃度に及ぼす分娩前ゼオライトA給与の影響}, volume = {74}, year = {2021} }