@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015780, author = {MATHAYAN, Vairavel and MORITA, Kenji and TSUCHIYA, Bun and YE, Rongbin and BABA, Mamoru and PRIMETZHOFER, Daniel}, journal = {Materials Today Energy}, month = {Aug}, note = {Thin-film batteries often contain oxides in the anode, cathode, and electrolyte materials. In-operando methods capable of Li and O depth profiling are relevant for battery research to study, e.g. diffusion and trapping of constituents. Here, we demonstrate ion beam–based analytical methods with high depth resolution and sensitivity for depth profiling Li and O in thin-film batteries using 10 MeV Li and He ions. Simultaneous depth profiling of Li and O was performed using combined coincidence elastic recoil detection analysis and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry measurements in the battery with 8 MeV He ions, and the Li and O transport was measured in operando. Reversible Li transport was observed from the LMO anode to the NbO cathode on charging and vice versa during discharging. O transport was observed from the LMO anode to the NbO cathode on first charging with 3.5 V but was not observed on further charging and discharging of the battery. Our in-operando measurements allow direct and quantitative observation of Li and O transport during charge-discharge cycles for thin-film batteries.}, title = {Sensitive in-operando observation of Li and O transport in thin-film Li-ion batteries}, volume = {21}, year = {2021} }