@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009034, author = {國崎, 貴嗣 and 田中, 友紀}, journal = {岩手大学農学部演習林報告}, month = {Jun}, note = {ケヤキ人工林に隣接するオウシュウトウヒ人工林内の小面積皆伐地2カ所を対象に,樹種組成,優占樹種における初期の樹高成長速度,ケヤキの更新タイプ(前更,後更),樹形級を調べることで,小面積皆伐地におけるケヤキと先駆樹種との数年間の競合過程を推定した。両調査地で,ケヤキ,クサギ,タラノキの3樹種が上位3位を占めた。クサギの樹幹長成長速度はケヤキのそれより有意に高かった。調査地Aのケヤキ75本のうち,前更個体の占める本数割合は83%と推定された。上層に達したのは前更個体のみであり,上層における被圧なしの通直木の本数割合は68%であった。形質の良い通直木を多くするためには,皆伐前に前更個体を多数確保しておく必要があると考えられる。しかし,前更個体のうち,上層に達した通直木は27%を占めるに止まった。このため,多数のケヤキ通直木を確保するためには,前更個体を確保した上で,皆伐後に刈り払い(稚樹段階の刈り出しや幼樹段階の除伐)を実施することが重要と考えられる。, The tree species composition,the height growth of dominant trees,and the regeneration pattern and the crown class of regenerating Zelkova serrata trees in a small clear-cut area in two Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations that were bordered by Z. serrata canopy trees were examined in relation to competition for light with the pioneer shrub community. In small clear-cut areas,the resulting secondary stands were dominated by Clerodendrum trichotomum,Aralia elata,and Z. serrata. The height increments of regenerating Z. serrata trees were lower than those of C. trichotomum trees. Regenerating Z. serrata trees after clear-cutting appeared to be suppressed by the pioneer shrub community, which grew rapidly in the regeneration sites. In the Z. serrata population,the proportion of the number of advance regeneration trees was 83%. Z. serrata trees in the upper layer were occupied only by advance regeneration trees. These findings revealed that advance regeneration played an important role in favoring the dominant Z. serrata trees with straight stems. However, only 27% of the Z. serrata trees grown by advance regeneration were the dominant trees with straight stems in the secondary stand. Clearing and improvement cutting are essential to remove pioneer shrub communities to achieve the successful regeneration of Z. serrata trees.}, pages = {47--56}, title = {小面積皆伐地におけるケヤキと先駆樹種の競合}, volume = {45}, year = {2014} }