@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009292, author = {松浦, 俊也 and 横張, 真 and 東, 淳樹}, issue = {5}, journal = {ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture}, month = {Mar}, note = {数値標高モデルと現存植生データを用い,谷津の景観構造を数量的に把握し,谷津における高次捕食者であるサシバの生息を規定する土地環境条件を推定した。解析対象地域内の台地域における繁殖期のサシバの生息環境は,(1)谷の横断方向に樹林地-水田-樹林地となる土地利用配列,(2)樹林地と水田の隣接長,(3)谷底低地の幅,の3点と関係がみられた。サシバの生息の有無を目的変数とした判別分析の結果,(1)谷の横断方向の土地利用配列により,7割以上のサシバの生息環境が推定可能であることが明らかとなった。これらの特徴は,サシバの採食効率の面から解釈できると考えられた。以上の条件を用い,サシバの生息適地を広域的に推定した。, The distribution of Gray-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus was studied in a countryside environment in northern Chiba-Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. The study area was located in the watershed of Inba Marsh, a shallow wetland formed along the Tone River. The environments consist of narrow and shallow valleys known as yatsu of yato dissecting into the diluvial uplands. The landscape patterns of yatsu valleys are classified using 50m-DEMs (50m-Digital Elevation Models) and digitized vegetation data. Gray-faced Buzzard habitats are related to the followings, 1) the landscape pattern of valleys which paddy in the valley floors and wood in the valley walls, 2) the number of adjacent land use of wood and paddy, 3) the width of valley floors. Potential habitats of Gray-faced Buzzard are estimated in the watershed in 20km X 30km area.}, pages = {543--546}, title = {数値地理情報を用いた谷津の景観構造の把握によるサシバ生息適地の広域的推定}, volume = {65}, year = {2002} }