@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009322, author = {土, 克晶 and 海妻, 矩彦 and 高畑, 義人 and 畠山, 茂雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {Breeding science}, month = {Mar}, note = {大豆の種子に含まれるKunitz型トリプシンインヒビター(SKTI)には電気泳動により識別される5種の多型(Tia,TibTic,欠失及び未命名)がある.TiaとTib型の間には8アミノ酸残基,TiaとTic型の間には1アミノ酸残基の違いがあることが知られているが,その中間が知られていない.本研究ではその中間型があるかどうかを知るため,電気泳動の移動度の僅かな違いが識別できるような電気泳動法を工夫し,日本の岩手県の62地点から採集した890ツルマメのサンプル(1991-1992年に採集)および173の日本及び中国の栽培品種を材料として(Tab1e1),Kunitz型トリプシンインヒビタータンパク質の電気泳動移動度の微小変異を示す多型性の有無について調査した., In order to detect mobility variants of soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) proteins, we developed a large slab gel method (18.5 cm long X 14.5 cm wide) of elec-trophoresis, and analyzed 173 cultivars of soybeans (Glycine max ) from Japan and China, and 62 populations of wild soybeans (G. soja ) collected from all over lwate Prefecture, Japan. As a result of this electrophoretic survey, two new mobility variants were discovered: a variant showing a slightly slower mobility than the Tia type (tentatively designated as Tia-s ) in a wild soybean line and another variant with a slightly faster mobility than the Tib type (tentatively designated as Tib-f) in a cultivated soybean variety. Transmissibility of this variation to consecutive generations was confirmed by parent-offspring tests and hybridization tests using the variants and/or the common types. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) test applied to these two variants revealed differences in the location of the isoelet-ric points in the gel. Significance of these discoveries was discussed.}, pages = {39--44}, title = {Detection of Two New Variants of Soybean Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor through Electrophoresis}, volume = {46}, year = {1966} }