@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009350, author = {神田, 英司 and 木村, 利行 and 及川, あや and 大川, 茂範 and 佐々木, 次郎 and 浅野, 真澄 and 佐藤, 雄幸 and 金, 和裕 and 藤井, 弘志 and 藤村, 恵人 and 鈴木, 幸雄 and 濱嵜, 孝弘 and 根本, 学 and 下野, 裕之}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本作物学会紀事}, month = {Apr}, note = {イネの穂ばらみ期耐冷性が栄養成長期の気象条件により変動するか評価した.北海道・東北の6地点(2008年),7地点(2009年)の水田に設置した同一土壌,肥料を使用したポットに品種「ひとめぼれ」を移植し,それぞれの地点で生育させ,幼穂形成期に,ポットを掘り上げ,耐冷性検定を冷水深水法にて実施した.耐冷性検定した不稔歩合は,両年ともに地域により有意に異なった.その不稔歩合の変動の多くの部分を栄養成長期の温度環境で説明でき,栄養成長期の温度が低い地域で不稔歩合が高い,すなわち穂ばらみ期耐冷性が弱いことを明らかにした., The effects of climate conditions during vegetative growth on cold tolerance of rice at the booting stage were examined. Rice cultivar ‘Hitomebore’ was grown in Hokkaido-Tohoku region at six locations in 2008 and seven locations in 2009, where the soil and applied fertilizer were identical. A cold tolerance test was conducted during the reproductive growth after panicle formation under deep cold water conditions. The sterility significantly varied with the location in both years. It was closely and negatively correlated with air and water temperatures before the panicle formation stage. These results indicate that the air and water temperatures before panicle formation can explain the variation of cold tolerance and that a lower temperature during the vegetative growth stage decreases the cold tolerance.}, pages = {190--193}, title = {イネ穂ばらみ期耐冷性の地域間の変動要因と栄養生長期の温度環境の関係}, volume = {81}, year = {2012} }