@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009372, author = {清水, 祥子 and 佐々木, 淳 and 川崎, 武志 and 御領, 政信}, issue = {1}, journal = {鶏病研究会報}, month = {May}, note = {蜂窩織炎野外例より分離された大腸菌3株を用いて、それらの病原性の検索と、分離株による蜂窩織炎の実験的作出を行った。実験鶏は実験1、2では28日齢のP2系白色レグホン種、実験3では60日齢のブロイラー鶏を用い、血清型O161のY0421株(A株)、Y0451株(B株)、Y0457株(C株)の3株を用いた。実験1-1では3株とも10(8)CFU/O.1ml菌液を用い、実験1-2ではA、B株の10(5)CFU/O.1 ml~10(7)CFU/O.1 ml菌液を、右側大腿部の筋肉内に接種し、接種後1週間観察した。実験2では右側大腿部皮膚に人為的に掻傷を作り、そこに3株の10(8)CFU/0.1 ml、あるいは10(6)CFU/O.1 mlの菌液を塗布し、塗布後1週間観察した。実験3では、実験2と同様にA、C株の10(8)CFU/O.1 ml菌液を右側大腿部皮膚の掻傷部に塗布した。観察期間中の死亡鶏は死亡確認時に、生残鶏は1週間後にすべて剖検し、病理組織学的にも検索した。実験1-1では、A、B株接種群で多数の死亡鶏が見られ、接種部位および心膜にはすべての鶏で病変が形成されていたが、 C株接種群では死亡鶏はなく、接種部位に軽度の病変が形成されているのみであった。実験2では実験1と同様の傾向を示したが、死亡数、およ漿膜炎の発現はやや少なく、蜂窩織炎は3株で高率に認められた。実験1、2ともに低濃度菌液接種・塗布群で死亡数が減少したが、蜂窩織炎は比較的高率に認められた。実験3では、蜂窩織炎の発症がA、C株で認められた。組織学的には線維素性滲出物を伴う心膜炎、肝被膜炎が見られ、接種・塗布部位では化膿性肉芽腫性炎が認められた。以上の成績より、野外例から分離された大腸菌による蜂窩織炎の再現は可能であり、病原性の弱いものや、ある程度低濃度であっても蜂窩織炎を発現しうる可能性が示された。掻傷感染は敗血症を起こすより、塗布部位で局所的に増殖しやすい傾向が示され、蜂窩織炎の重要な発症経路の一つであることが改めて明らかとなった。, Three Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains,isolated from different field cases of cellulitis,were used in the present study to investigate and compare their pathogenicity for 28-day-old P2 line chickens and 60-day-old broiler chickens. E. coli serotype O161 including Y042 (A),Y 0451 (B) and Y0457 (C) strains was used. In experiment 1-1,10^ 8CFU/ 0.1 ml bacterial suspension of three strains was inoculated in the muscle of the right femoral area of the chicken and observed for one week. In experiment 1-2,10^5 to 10^7CFU/O.1 ml bacterial suspension of A and B strains was used and treated as study1-1. In study 2,the right femoral skin was artificially scratched,and 10^6CFU/0.1 ml and 10^8 CFU /0.1 ml bacterial suspension of three strains was applied. The chickens were then observed for one week. In experiment3,10^8CFU/0.1 ml bacterial suspension of A and C strains was applied and treated as experiment 2. Moribund birds were euthanized and autopsied with those that had died. All surviving chickens were euthanized and autopsied one week afte inoculation,and then investigated histopathologically. In experiment 1-1,many chickens inoculated with A or B strain died,and all chickens had lesions at inoculation site, hepatic capsule and pericardium. However,no chicken inoculated with C strain died,and there were only mild lesions at inoculation site. Experiment 2 showed similar results to experiment 1,but the number of dead chickens and the occurrence of serositis slightly decreased,and significant occurrence of cellulitis was seen with 3 strains. In both experiments 1 and 2,the mortality of chickens inoculated or applied with low-concentrated bacterial solution was lower,but the occurrence of cellulitis was relatively high. In experiment 3,cellulitis developed with both A and C strain. Histologically,pericarditis and hepatic capsulitis with fibrinous exudate was seen,and suppurative granulomatous inflammation was seen at the site of inoculation or application. From these results,it is suggested that cellulitis can be reproduced in chicken with E. coli isolated from field cases,and that cellulitis may be caused by E. coli even with low pathogenicity or concentration. lnfection via scratch appeared more likely to cause local proliferation rather than septicemia,and was found to be one of important route of onset.}, pages = {20--27}, title = {鶏における大腸菌性蜂窩織炎の実験的作出}, volume = {47}, year = {2011} }