@article{oai:iwate-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009763, author = {Saito, Hiroshi and Taniguchi, Hiroshi and Nozawa, Hajime and Owashi, Ken-ichi}, issue = {12}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, month = {Jan}, note = {A compact and inexpensive technique is reported for a discharge-excited pulsed metal vapor laser (MVL) at a low operating temperature utilizing an air-blown-type spark-gap switch. A laser is excited in an aperiodic pulse train by successive pulsed discharges of a storage capacitor through a spark-gap switch. A variety of neutral metal vapor laser (MVL) using metal compound as a lasant is briefly reported with the compact device.}, pages = {2248--2250}, title = {Simple and compact neutral metal vapor laser assembly operating in a low-temperature region}, volume = {56}, year = {1985} }